It's only in the darkness, that you will search for the light.
It's only at rock bottom, that you will truly start to fight.
Fight for your life and face your own shadow.
It's only when you're at the deepest depths of the ocean,
that you will be forced to grow.
All of our addictions and self destructive patterns will come up to the surface.
In the end, we'll all realize they were self defense mechanisms,
stemming from a wound – that was just trying to serve its purpose.
The wound wants us to feel the pain,
instead of running from our selves repeatedly,
again and again.
From your shadow, you can run – but never hide.
And once we accept it,
all parts of ourselves will finally start to collide.
Eventually, you will shine so bright,
because you've managed to transform your darkness into light.
Lina Tivaporn Hed
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