Jerk off (2014)

Published on 11 July 2024 at 10:15

It was summer, and I was on my way home from the gym. I had just got off at the bus stop where I was living, and at the time, I was 18 years old. I was living at a place called 'Moy' here in Grimstad. (Moy is in the countryside).  

As I was crossing the road and walking into the street of my neighborhood, a dark brown car was pulling up behind me. 

I was playing music on my headphones, and I wasn't really paying attention that much. But then I noticed that the car started driving slowly right next to me. 

The driver was a man who seemed to be in his late 20s or maybe early 30s. He looked and me, and we made eye contact for a brief second. He immediately reminded me of the main character in a Norwegian movie called 'Fatso'. Because this man had the same body type, the same brown, bowl cut colored hair, and also the same glasses as the main character in that movie. 

I kept walking forward, and he kept driving next to me. I was starting to get a little creeped out, because the whole set up was starting to look a little shady. But I just kept walking.

Then, he drove slowly past me, so that he could make a U-turn in front of me and get my attention. And out of the f-u-c-k-i-n-g blue, he slammed the door open and was JERKING OFF. I mean, for fuck's sake!!! It was so disturbing to witness, because it took a few seconds before I realized what he was actually doing. And while he was jerking off, he was also making this perverted cum face while he was staring into my soul.

I tried to not react, and to just pretend that I didn't see him. But I was in shock, and struggled to keep a straight face. And after a split second, I couldn't bare myself, so I started smiling awkwardly because I was uncomfortable. And in all honesty, the whole situation was fucked up, but he still looked ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. 

After he was done reading the reaction from my face, he shut the door and drove off FAST.

The moment only lasted for 3–4 seconds, but it was enough to scar my memory for life.

This was my first, (and hopefully) my last encounter with a flasher during this lifetime. 

Stay safe out there! 

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4 months ago

Oh my Lord.. !! Im sorry you had to experience that! How disgusting!